Intecplan is a PC Software to prepare an Investment Project or Business Plan easily and practical. It generates budgets and financial projections from the first 'click' with actual sectoral values, by region, subsector, and company size, obtained from economic censuses, industrial surveys, financial organizations, and other statistical sources.
Version. 10.0
Plataform. Windows
Office. Uses Microsoft Office
Lenguages. English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian.
ISBN. 9786072927827
Payment methods. 2checkout (Debit, Credit, Paypal)
* PC 1.6 GHz, 4 GB RAM
* Microsoft® Windows®
* Microsoft® Office® (except 'starter')
* Download delivery.
* Perpetual license for 1 computer.
* 30-day money-back guarantee.
* Payment by 2checkout Support
* 1 year of updates
$ 290 USD
Plus VAT/Taxes if applicable.
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* Download delivery.
* Temporary license for 1 computer.
* No automatic renewal, not need to cancel.
* Payment by 2checkout Support
3 months $90 USD + VAT/Tax if applicable.
6 Months $120 USD + VAT/Tax if applicable.